Diffusion-Limited Aggregation Simulation

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Diffusion-Limited Aggregation: A Brief Overview

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation (DLA) is a process that occurs when particles undergo random motion, known as Brownian motion, and aggregate to form structures. This phenomenon can be observed in various natural processes, such as the growth of crystals, the formation of snowflakes, and the behavior of some polymers.

In this simulation, particles are randomly distributed in the environment and move around chaotically. When a moving particle comes into contact with a stationary particle, there's a chance it will stick, based on a stickiness factor. Over time, these particles accumulate and create intricate patterns.

By adjusting the parameters of the simulation, such as the number of particles, particle speed, stickiness, and particle radius, you can observe how these factors influence the resulting structures. This simulation provides a simple yet insightful way to explore and understand the fascinating world of DLA.